Thursday, March 8, 2007
David Gurland Interview
Many of you might remember David Gurland's Neurotica but when my site was redesigned it was lost. Hope you enjoy it. Coming up you can catch David with Eddie Varley at the Laurie Beechman room. The concert is March 18th. Contact David for more info:
Corine Cohen Talks to David Gurland
Photographed by Maryann Lopinto
Neurotica Show
August 24, 2006 at the Metropolitan Room Next show March 18, 2007 Laurie Beechman Theater
Corine Cohen : David, when you were a boy growing up, when did you realize you wanted to sing?
David Gurland: As a kid I always performed, it was just a natural thing for me, and I always sang. But I didn't have a very good voice, though I could stay on pitch. It wasn't until the latter part of my BFA at NYU did I decide that of all the performing arts, I actually enjoyed singing the most. I took voice lessons from the time I was sixteen until I was twenty-three (when they just got too expensive, so sadly I had to stop), and after that I just developed naturally as a vocalist.
Corine Cohen: You sure did! Your entrance [to the Neurotica show] cracked me up. I was hoping you would sing “Like a Virgin,” when were you touched for the very first time?
David Gurland: Hmmmm, I'm not quite sure how to answer that. Do you seriously want to know when I lost my virginity? First time at fifteen, second time at twenty...figure it out. Have I ever been touched, in the spiritual /emotional sense....all the time.
Corine Cohen: Sorry to pry, but back to talking about Madonna! Tell my readers how you came up with this show.
David Gurland: Well, I had been working with my Musical Director/Arranger Michael Holland on a bunch of different projects from 2002-2004, and one night we were out, slamming back many citron and sodas at a bar called Cleo's on 9th avenue. It was probably around four in the morning, and “Ray of Light” came on the Jukebox and we both commented on how much we liked the song. And jokingly I said, I should do an all Madonna show, and he was like 'yeah right, you'll never do it' and then in the winter of 2005 it all happened, we premiered the show in May of 2005, and have been doing it ever since, whenever I can afford to put it up and whenever anyone asks us to do it. I always thought of myself as the 'Madonna' of the cabaret world before I ever sung any of her songs. I never thought I had the best voice, but I always thought that I had a point of view and marched to the beat of a different drummer and just did whatever I wanted regardless of what the 'purists' of the Cabaret world (whoever they are) wanted me to do. I dressed differently; I sang pop when they wanted standards. I followed my heart instead of going with the rest of the crowd which is exactly what she does. And just like her, sometimes it's served me well, sometimes it doesn't.
Corine Cohen: It served you well this time! If it was your last day on Earth, what would you have wanted to accomplish before going to the Moon?
David Gurland: OK! I have an addiction. And it's theme parks, thrill rides, and roller coasters. Now, I've fed my addiction for the most part; but there are a bunch of them (parks, rides) I've yet to tackle. My last day on earth would most certainly be spent in a theme park with my closest friends. And maybe that night tell everyone in my life exactly what I think of them good and bad. Get it off my chest. Go to the moon with a clean slate if you know what I mean.
Corine Cohen: Have you ever thought of doing a one man show about you? I bet it would be funny!
David: Well I've committed to doing Neurotica for at least a year, now that year is actually almost up, and I've been listening to a lot of music that is very self reflective, versus the Madonna stuff which is just out there. One of the things I'd like to do is put an evening of these songs together with just a piano or a Guitar, and just keep it simple. But I'd also like to record another CD. I have changed SOOOOO much since my first one was released in dare I say it 1999 and I'd love to go back into the studio and make a new record. We'll see, no matter what I do I think it will be funny...
Corine Cohen: Thanks for taking the time to do the interview, David. You are very funny and a great performer For more information on David Gurland:
Check out David's next concert with the one and only Eddie Varley! I will be there, so should you!