Synopsis by New Line:

After being a huge fan of "Sex And The City" since the start of the show, I must admit I have been dying to see the film for the past six months. Well, if you love the show as much as I do it was worth it's weight in Manolo's.
This film is nothing short of fabulous and it is a tear jerker. I sadly, did not bring any tissues and had to wipe away the tears throughout this film.
I arrived two weeks ago and purchased the first screening at Loews AMC theater in the heart of Lincoln Square and was crazy enough to arrive at 9:30 to find the theater completely sold out.
Lucky for me, I purchased my ticket two weeks ago.
What I loved about the film: Spoiler alert:
May I just say that Samantha's character never ceases to amaze me. She is so over the top she makes me giggle. There is a very funny part with sushi deluxe! I don't want to ruin the movie for you,but it made me howl. Samantha decides to surprise her hot male stud with a homemade sushi dinner on Valentine's Day covered in her own homemade sushi. I am sorry, I am still laughing from that scene and it was hours ago. She also sees an adorable toy terrier that has as much of a sex drive as she does and has to take her home. It was classic Samantha with a bit more heart.
This film is for die hard SEX AND THE CITY junkies like me. It will make you laugh. It will make you cry and it will make your day. Some of the film was a bit hard to take but most of it was heart wrenching and real. It is a must for anyone who loved the show.
It was disappointing that some of the major guest stars were hardly in the film. Lynn Cohen had maybe two lines. Nathan Lane was not in the film. If you looked really hard in the rehersal dinner scene you could see Julie Halston as Bitsy for a quick second. I don't remember seeing Nathan Lane but I blinked, so I might have missed him.
Run don't walk and get your ticket now. The 10 AM show was packed and there were only a few empty seats. I have a feeling this will be the biggest movie of the year and rightfully so.
The women of SEX AND THE CITY prove you can be fabulous at any age. Whether you are 20. 30, 40 or 50.
Some other moments: Charlotte's character got sick in Mexico and it was hysterical to see the prim Charlotte literally go in her panties. The best part about Charlotte was seeing her with everything she wanted. Two beautiful children. A gorgeous apt, the cutest Jack Russell Terriers and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a man that she was madly in love with. Fantasies sometimes can come true and I was happy to see her character so happy. Hoping the film will do so well that the whole cast will come back for a new season of the show.
That would be better than a free wardrobe and a closet full of free Manolo's.
Photos by Craig Blankenhorn/New Line Cinema
PS: A few years ago I was covering an event at Jazz at Lincoln Center and Sarah Jessica Parker was there. She came to the press area and seemed to know me. She smiled at me and said " Don't I know you? You look familiar." I was really honored that she spoke to me and I loved her dress. She looked so much better than her character "Carrie"
The characters in the movie are so interesting. I really wanted to be friends with them. I had so much in common with Charlotte, Miranda and the very interesting and never dull Samantha.
I would have loved to have happy hour cosmos with them. They are just fictional characters but I really wanted to become friends with them and search for my own "BIG".
You can write to me at: Corine@corinescorner.com
Corine Dana Cohen