This weekend he came to visit me which is difficult as he lives 5 hours from the City. We are having a wonderful time but something crazy happened. Last night, after we lost the HAIRSPRAY lotto, I took him to one of my favorite hangouts. We are sitting at a table holding hands and having wonderful conversation when a man at the next table was flirting with my date. It was wild. I ignored it because he was my date and he is straight but it bothered me.
Being in theatre, it has been difficult for me to find dates in this City. I mean all the men I meet are gay so when I find one do they have to hit on my dates? Let the straight girl find romance for heavens sake! I mean you gays have it all. Don't take the one straight man I like!
When your date is as handsome as mine will I always have to worry that both sexes will flirt with him? What would Carrie Bradshaw do in a time like this? Was I supposed to fight the man or ignore him? I pretended like he was not doing it but the next time, SISTER WATCH OUT BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING DOWN! I still have a cane and I can use it.
So, we are not going to try and win that Liza lottery today. Could you imagine the problems there! Everyone at Liza would want him! We will be trying for HAIRSPRAY one more time and if any of you gays try to hit on my man watch out. You are going down.
My life up till this point could be labelled, 'NO SEX AND THE CITY' but maybe 2009 will be my year. Now, what would Samantha do at a time like this? Sadly, I am most like Charlotte, the sweet girl next door but my dream is to find love in 2009. A straight girl has needs.