Joe Norton, Associate Director of Education and Outreach for Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights AIDS (BC/EFA) is the recipient of the 2007 President’s Award from the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) and its student honorary division – the International Thespian Society (ITS). The award was recently accepted by Norton at the International Thespian Festival, on the campus of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
The President’s Award is selected by the EdTA board president and given to an individual whose exceptional contributions have been an extraordinary benefit to the Association, the governing board, and/or volunteer leadership of EdTA.
BC/EFA's Schools Outreach Program empowers students of all ages to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS in their own communities by raising funds for BC/EFA through campaigns in their high school, middle school and college theatre programs. Since 1999, more than 300 schools across the country have raised nearly $500,000 for BC/EFA by modeling their own efforts on how the Broadway community raises awareness and funds for BC/EFA each year. The program’s largest supporters in schools are the International Thespian Society, whose troupes have raise over $300,000 to date, along with groups like the New York State Theatre Education Association and the national theatre fraternity, Alpha Psi Omega."
Mr. Norton became involved with Etta and ITS in 1999 to assist Thespian troupes in their fundraising efforts on behalf of BC/EFA. He is a regular workshop presenter at EdTA and ITS events. Most recently, he has served on the EdTA board of directors and the finance committee.
“Joe Norton is a global thinker and a passionate person for EdTA,” says Gail Burns, EdTA board president. “Joe has a long history of dedication to EdTA, giving his time and talent selflessly. He continues to have a positive impact upon the lives of thousands of students and adults.”
"To be singled out like this, with the highest honor, for simply doing the work that I love makes me so happy,” says Mr. Norton. “I was truly surprised to receive the President’s Award. Every teacher in EdTA deserves this award more than I do."
The Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) is a professional organization for theatre education founded in 1929. EdTA’s mission is to create a network for theatre arts educators, students, professionals, and enthusiasts to share ideas and support the effort to have theatre arts education (including film, television, and other related media) recognized in all phases of education and lifelong learning. EdTA operates the International Thespian Society (ITS), an honorary organization for middle school and high school theatre students. The organization also publishes Dramatics magazine, a monthly magazine for high school theatre students, and Teaching Theatre journal, a quarterly magazine for theatre education professionals.