Dear Mayor Bloomberg,
This morning I woke up to a phone call from my Mother who heard on NY1 that you want to move the Thanksgiving Parade to the East Side to help traffic? Are you kidding?
The Thanksgiving Parade is a WEST SIDE TRADITION. Moving it to the East Side is a terrible idea. Where will they blow up the balloons? 5TH avenue? I don't think it is a good idea. The parade ends up in front of Macy's so what are you going to do.
Keep traditions alive. Don't change where the parade is. It is a NY TRADITION and who cares about traffic. I live on the UWS and it has always been a tradition to go see the balloons being blown up before the parade on 77th-79th. I have done this since I was a little girl and can't imagine why you would change this.
Somethings are sacred traditions that need to be left alone.
Corine Cohen