Thought you might enjoy seeing the pictures of the Budapest opening of " Spring".
It was a real trip hearing the show in Hungarian! They are much more Germanic, very rough & physical. It's very melodramatic and heavy - Like the city of Budapest! The cast is excellent. The set are the sheets and some plastic type boxes they move around - very primitive _ but it works! The seats are hard as nails. They had a lovely reception in the lobby after with Hungarian potato salad, hot dogs, sausages of all sorts...there can't be an unclogged artery in the entire country!
The audience had very little expression on their faces during the show. I thought we had it till at the end they all clapped, in unisence, for about 15 minutes. They have signs all over the city and as you see me kneeling down - they are even in the subways.
London was a gorgeous production and the casting was amazing. I'm sure Ira, Tom , Steven and Duncan - and of course the amazing Michael Mayer - had a great deal to do with the production. Each person in the cast was hand-picked, the set was our set exactly as well as the lighting, costumes etc.
Enjoy! Judy
This will be a new segment on the site called PRODUCERS CORNER. Up next, an interview on the radio show with Ken Davenport.