You are beautiful
You are someone who lives in New York City
or knows marvelous people here.
You enjoy performance
you know art when you see it
you have a cosmic awareness of yourself
and you know Eric Wallach.
You have been put on a list.
E double-trouble’s list
to those who can come prepared
and who can alert those who’d like to get down
on Flight 18
my public art performance
launching from 210 Front Street (though the address doesn’t really exist)
South Street Seaport in Lower Manhattan
March 4th, 2010.
I won’t burden your inbox with much hooha
but what I do send you – please forward
to your extended community of Spirit-wanderers
who are ready for an adventure
If you would like to be off the list entirely
just reply to this e-mail
with something rude or insulting in the subject line
I’ll be happy to take-off
with gratitude and love,
Captain Wally